Tablet PC market continues to decline in the region and the growth of a huge hardware removable
Tablet PCs Market Middle East and Africa region registered a decline by 12.3% on an annual basis in the first quarter of 2016 a total of 3.32 million device, according to the latest figures from IDC, a research firm.
She explained, "the quarterly reports to keep track of tablet PCs," issued by the company that the tablet computers market, the Middle East and Africa region fell for the second annual consecutive quarter by 8.8% on an annualized basis in the fourth quarter of 2015.
Said Nakul Dogura, chief analyst for personal computing solutions, systems and infrastructure firm IDC Research: "We noticed consumers' hesitation about the replacement of existing devices because they are doing the performance of all previous duties on tablet computers now on smart phones with large screens, which led to lengthen the time period to replace the tablet computer devices, a phenomenon that had a negative impact on the total volume of requests. "
He added: "What has further complicated the matter of consumer trends and commercial activities indicators negatively affected by lower crude oil prices, especially in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), this as well as the continued decline of African major currencies against the US dollar, such as the bright Nigerian and South African rand and the Egyptian pound, which is a hindrance prominent due to the impact of the decline in the exchange rates to increase prices of tablet PCs. "
One of the bright spots that emerged in the midst of a general decline witnessed by the market is a growing segment tablet computers removable by the convergence of great popularity in the region following a new and diverse hardware version of this product category. And harvested tablet removable currently computers share of 4.2% of the total tablet computers market volume shipments exceeded 335% on an annualized basis in the first quarter of 2016.
He explained Fouad Rafiq Hrakla, the first research solutions for personal computing systems and infrastructure firm IDC director, he said: "All the suppliers feel the negative effects of this decline, and in the profitability margins slightly from low-priced products, which represent the bulk of the volume of applications, it will not be the suppliers on ready to provide any additional support to the sales channels, leading to a drop in shipments across the region. Due to the availability of models tablets modest possibilities less than US $ 50 prices, the main sellers in the market is facing severe pressure to maintain the size of their sales. "
With regard to the global classifications for suppliers, continues to Samsung, which accounts for the largest group of tablets, its leadership in the market for the first quarter of 2016 the amount of 21.2%, despite the exposure of the size of its shipments to decline on an annual basis of $ 23.3% stake, after stagnating performance in the quarter the fourth of 2015, Lenovo retook second place with a market share of 12.3%, despite the decline on an annual basis, which recorded volume of shipments increased by 21.7%, while Apple ranked third of 11.5% after shipments plunging by 11.0% market share.
IDC company reduced the size of its forecast for the market tablets in the Middle East and Africa for 2016, and expects to ship about 14.9 million sets per year, which is a decline on an annual basis of 7.9, as well as the expectation that the Windows operating system recorded a remarkable growth over the year in line with the growth witnessed tablet removable devices, and build on that IDC expects to grow the size of these devices that run the Windows operating system, mostly about 127.7% on an annual basis in 2016 shipments.
He ٍٍٍSHrakla: "IDC delivery of multiple projects, including large quantities of tablets in Pakistan and Egypt this year, expects, and will reach shipments sizes to Pakistan about 200 thousand tablet device detachable, while expected to reach Egypt shipment of 40 thousand tablet funky. The shipment will be delivered to Pakistan flying to the education sector, and will help significantly in the propagation of a chapter in the Middle East and Africa market devices. "
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